It's really more of a blargh.

Monday, December 20, 2010

The Ragamuffin Library

Due to my habits and how I spend most of my time in my home, you would think my most favorite room in our humble dwelling is the bathroom.... but not so.  It's the Ragamuffin Library. 

Every inanimate creature, estate sale book and antique instrument I decide is worth hording all live here.  Nevermore, my wooden raven, lives atop the sushine yellow bookcase, which previously stood in residence as the basement canning supply cabinet.  A date with bleach and a rag, and it was good as new....all for the price of a little tap water and a rag.  Its twin, the mint green bookcase, is a little bit more on the tough-love side of reclaimed.  Upon our first meeting, I discovered blackberry preserves that long ago became gritty blackberry wine within its cobwebby back corners.  Given that the previous owners of the house were also card-carrying Baptists, I doubt that was their original intent.      

I've planned the perfect date night with my Ragamuffin Library tonight.  When I get home from my labors and appointments, I plan to work late into the night, lighting shadows and scraping off dust with the carosene lamp flicker keeping time with my wood-and-cloth olde tyme radio.

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